Business Law in Greensboro and Charlotte NC
Our firm provides individuals, entrepreneurs, and businesses of all sizes with powerful legal representation and a personalized level of service. We can assist in the formation of your business entity, whether it's a C or S Corporation, Limited Liability Company or Partnership.

Sports and Entertainment Law Attorney
Sports Law substantially overlaps with labor law, contract law, competition or antitrust law, and tort law. Issues like defamation and privacy rights are also integral aspects of sports law. This area of law was established as a separate and important entity only a few decades ago, coinciding with the rise of player-agents and increased media scrutiny of sports law topics. If you need a sports law attorney in Greensboro and Charlotte, NC, call Gray Legal Group, PLLC.
Entertainment law (or media law) is legal services to the entertainment industry. Entertainment law overlaps with intellectual property law (especially trademarks, copyright, and the "Right of Publicity"), but the practice of entertainment law often involves questions of employment law, contract law, torts, labor law, bankruptcy law, immigration, securities law, security interests, agency, right of privacy, defamation, advertising, criminal law, tax law, international law, and insurance law. If you need an entertainment law attorney in North Carolina, call Gray Legal Group, PLLC.

Intellectual Property Law Attorney
Intellectual Property Law is often broken down into three major categories: Trademarks, Copyrights and Patents; each designed to provide different forms of protection for creators and inventors. Here at Gray Legal Group, PLLC, we specialize in Trademark and Copyright Law, allowing our clients to focus on the creative side of their projects while we handle the legal nuisance to provide the utmost protection.
If you need an intellectual property law attorney inside or outside of North Carolina, call Gray Legal Group, PLLC.

Protect Your Creativity
Intellectual Property Law is often broken down into three major categories: Trademarks, Copyrights and Patents; each designed to provide different forms of protection for creators and inventors.
Here at Gray Legal Group, PLLC, we specialize in Trademark and Copyright Law, allowing our clients to focus on the creative side of their projects while we handle the legal nuisance to provide the utmost protection. If you need an intellectual property law attorney inside or outside of North Carolina, call Gray Legal Group, PLLC.